“Where your treasure is, there will your heart also be.”
Matthew 6:21

Why we give

Giving draws us closer to God

When you invest in what matters to God, you strengthen your relationship with Him.

Giving grows our character

Giving helps us to better reflect the character of God. He has given us everything — not even withholding his own Son! God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son.

Giving expresses love for people

Our giving makes it possible for people to hear the Good News of God’s love for them. It also helps us provide, through our Ministry partners, critical care to the poor and those in need.

Thank you to all who have supported the parish financially during this uncertain time. Despite the inability to gather, our parish relies on your support to continue ministry outreach and to keep up with ongoing operating costs. We are so very grateful for your generous contributions! For those who have been asking about how to donate, we would like to encourage giving using the methods outlined below. Thank you again, and may God continue to bless you!

How to give

There are many ways that someone may give to St. Joseph Church. Those who make an offering will receive an a receipt for income tax purposes annually.


eGive is the preferred and easiest way to support the mission of St. Joseph Church through regular parish contributions offered electronically once or twice each month.

Signup for eGive by completing an eGive Enrolment Form and place it in the collection or drop it off at the office.

The collection

All are welcome to make contributions to the mission of the parish through the regular collection taken up during every Sunday Mass right after the homily. Contribution envelopes can also be given through the mail slot.


St. Joseph Church has partnered with Canada Helps to offer an easy way for anyone to give a one time or regular gift online.

Giving reflects a grateful heart that desires to give to God a portion of what He has generously given to us.

Other ways to give

Offerings to St. Joseph Church can be made in other ways as well, including estates, shares, one-time offerings and legacies. Meet with the parish priest to have all your questions about giving answered.

Stewardship of Gifts and Offerings

Our parish has a Parish Finance Advisory Committee and publicizes financial reports annually. Check them out.