St. Joseph Church works hard to proclaim the Good News. But lots of help is needed! See below some ways to get involved. Want to help out in some ministry or group?
The Lector proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ, making God present to the gathered community. The ministry of Lector is a charism for the building up of the community, and it does require some native abilities such as confidence, poise, a clear and steady voice, reading skills and the ability to develop good proclamation techniques.
Service at the Altar (Altar Servers)
The words “minister” and “liturgy” come from words in two ancient languages which mean “serve.” Liturgical Altar Servers, serving the priest as he presides over the liturgy guide the parish family as a mirror and model for the gathered assembly and serving God through worship and prayer.
Hospitality Ministry
Hospitality Ministers serve all who visit our parish. These ministers greet all with a smile and are prepared to offer assistance in finding seating, direction and emergency assistance when needed. Hospitality Ministers also assist during liturgies by collecting, preparing and presenting the offertory.
Communion Ministry at Mass and in Retirement and Nursing Residences
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are called to serve the Body of Christ that is the Church, as well as the Body of Christ in the Eucharist species. These ministers assist in distributing the Body and Blood of our Lord to the assembly during Holy Communion, with putting away the sacred vessels after Mass, and with bringing the Eucharist to those unable to join in worship because of age or infirmity.
Children’s Liturgy
Liturgy of the Word for Children is a program in which the Sunday scripture readings are proclaimed and explained on a level appropriate to children in grades K – 2. Those who help in this ministry will present the Word of God to the children of our church and assist them in giving worship to God at an age appropriate level.
Sacristy and Church Cleaning
Although they often serve behind the scenes, Sacristans enhance worship by ensuring that the various things needed for celebrations are clean and in good working order, by properly preparing things before Mass, by setting up the church, by assisting the altar servers and by cleaning up after the Mass.
Liturgical Music and Choirs
Music serves to enhance the experience of worship, finding expression both vocally and instrumentally. Through this art form, choirs promote the active participation of the assembly. Choirs providing the foundation for the song of the assembly and unify worshippers into a single chorus.
Liturgical Environment
If liturgical art can rightly be called Christ’s art, then it should also be considered the art of the people of God. Therefore, the primary role of liturgical art is to give glory to God by reflecting the beauty of the divine. This ministry enhances liturgical, devotional and contemplative prayer; when that art is present, it adds to prayer by acting as a lens through which prayer is focused.
St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank and Store
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a Catholic organization whose mission is to live the Gospel message by serving Christ through the poor. At St. Joseph Church, this organization operates a food bank and a downtown store.
Able to help share the Good News?